Simple Tips on How to Cope with Stress

Simple Tips on How to Cope with Stress. If you want to reduce stress, understand these three common problems and situations that create it.

Simple Tips on How to Cope with Stress If you want to reduce stress, understand these three common problems and situations that create stress, 1. Poor use of time and lack of planning 2. Unreal expectations- 3. Unhealthy Relationships Learn how to manage these 3 areas by practicing general techniques of stress reduction and protection: … Read more

Greg Pryor: Fighting the Stress of Post Season Baseball

I spent 16 seasons as a professional player, and I experienced the depths of stressful feelings that baseball can create, on & off the field.

Greg Pryor- Life Priority offers the following products that allow you to touch all of your nutritional bases so put them into your daily nutritional “lineup”

For Focus & Clarity, Reach for Choline, Not Caffeine

clarity focus

Memory, focus and clarity of thought and mind are vital daily functions. The various stressors of the day and countless challenges that face us can be daunting. Usually people reach for caffeine to achieve that extra boost, but often are left disappointed because that caffeine infusion only lasts for a certain period of time. After … Read more