The High Five – Essential Ingredients to Stay Healthy

Five Essential Ingredients to Stay Healthy

Five Essential Ingredients to Stay Healthy. Start implementing healthy lifestyle strategies to enhance the quality of your life.My health journey started with our company, Life Priority, which was founded in 1994, to support and educate health-conscious individuals who want to live a healthier, active lifestyle.

I feel great and am in pretty good shape, despite turning 67 recently. I am thrilled to say that I am not hampered by any major aches or pains and currently take no prescription medications. I strive to live out every day to its fullest potential. I may have been able to run faster when I was younger, but I would never trade that for the muscle strength, flexibility, and knowledge that I have today.

My point is that it is never too late to start implementing healthy lifestyle strategies to enhance the quality of your life. Thirty years ago my husband, Greg, and I were introduced to two people named Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw who totally changed our thought process on the value of quality supplements and their effect on aging. If you’re not familiar with their names, allow me to introduce them to you. Durk and Sandy are scientists and researchers who have studied the aging process since the late 60’s when their book, Life Extension, was written for medical doctors to help educate them on the value nutrition played in staying healthy. What we learned from them totally changed our thought process on the value of quality supplements and their effect on aging.

The benefits of what Greg and I have learned from Durk and Sandy have resulted in a healthier lifestyle for us and our family. As a result, I have five basics for good health that I embrace and want to share with you.

Essential Ingredients

“The High Five” — Five essential ingredients to stay healthyFive Essential Ingredients to Stay Healthy. Start implementing healthy lifestyle strategies to enhance the quality of your life.

  1. Keep a health journal and find a healthcare professional you can trust.
  2. Create a Healthy Routine: Journal to measure and be accountable to your success!
    • Hydrate: (8×8) Drink 8 glasses of spring water a day! Add a slice of lemon or lime for flavor.
    • Diet: I am partial to the Mediterranean diet where I eat 3 meals a day containing real food with lots of vegetables and fruits (juicing).
    • Focus of Gratitude: Mental Health/Spiritual Connection
    • Meditation is a positive chemical balance to minimize stress.
  1. Exercise at least 30 minutes daily! Mindful stress reduction!
  2. Restful Sleep: getting proper rest (7-8 hours) for the body to repair and
  3. Take your Vitamins! Today, many factors hinder us from getting all the nutrients we need to maintain good health. That is why I believe in quality supplements.

“It’s never too late to start implementing healthy lifestyle strategies to enhance the quality of your life.”
~ Michelle Pryor, Co-Founder of Life Priority

Life’s Six Best Doctors: (1) Fresh Air, (2) Water, (3) Sunshine, (4) Diet, (5) Exercise & (6) Rest!

800.787.5438 |

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