Mental Health

Glycine was found to significantly reduce the feeling of fatigue the next morning, supporting an improvement in sleep quality by glycine.;Life Extension; Dopamine agonists such as cocaine and methamphetamine (“speed”) have been shown to increase the speed of the internal clock.;Arginine for pain, pain is the hallmark of sickle cell disease, with some patients in pain all of the time. Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw.;Niacin; Debate in the health community about the benefits of synthetic ingredients (created in a laboratory) in nutritional supplements.

LE NEWS: The Power of Arginine

The Power of Arginine DURK PEARSON & SANDY SHAW’S® LIFE EXTENSION NEWSLETTERTM ©1988-1991 Life Extension Newsletter, written by Life Extension scientists Pearson & Shaw, was prescient

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I have been involved in the health industry for the past 30 years. I invite you to please read the enclosed information and invest in to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's team was at bat, the score tied.

Baseball is the Lord’s Game!

Casey and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord’s team was playing Satan’s team. The Lord’s team was at bat, the score was tied zero to zero, and it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs:

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Success is measured in inches, not pounds. This plan is not just a weight loss plan; it's a wellness plan, I recommend keeping a journal.

Promote a Healthier You the Safe Way

I’ve heard several “horror” stories from customers regarding manipulative marketing. So don’t get scammed. You should research the company and product before agreeing to any financial commitments.

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Stress less with Music

Stress can take its toll on your body, and not handling that stress can be even worse. Finding a good outlet to unwind is strictly up to you. I suggest music.

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A very important part of being happy — and healthy — is to maintain a positive attitude, no matter what your circumstances are.

New Year, New Attitude

A very important part of being happy — and healthy — is to maintain a positive attitude, no matter what your circumstances are. Remember Charles

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