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- Create Date February 8, 2025
- Last Updated February 10, 2025
Calcium Priority Product Sheet
Contains three highly bioavailable forms of calcium plus vitamins A, C, D, K2, and boron.
Calcium Priority™ offers 3 different sources of calcium: tricalcium phosphate, calcium citrate, calcium ascorbate, and calcium borate, for higher bioavailability and absorption, meaning they reach one’s bones quicker and are utilized more effectively.
Calcium Priority™ contains three highly bioavailable forms of calcium plus vitamins A, C, D, K2, and boron. Taking four capsules a day of Calcium Priority™ with meals or before bed contains 1,000 mg of calcium, the same amount in 20 ounces of milk, and 800 IU of Vitamin D, the same amount in 1/2 gallon of fortified milk. Many customers like taking 1 capsule of Calcium Priority™ with meals to help reduce stomach upset or issues with acid rebound. Calcium Priority™ is also a favorite for those who need to relax for better sleep.
Why does Calcium Priority™ not contain magnesium?
1. Not everyone can take magnesium, especially those with kidney problems.
2. If magnesium were included in Calcium Priority™, you would have to take 9 capsules to get 1000 mg of calcium and 400 mg of magnesium. To get these amounts from Calcium Priority™ (90 capsules) and Magnesium Priority™ (120 capsules) individually, you still have to take about that many capsules (4 and 6, respectively), but the important thing is that those who can’t take magnesium are not left without a good calcium formulation that they can take.
3. Regarding the belief that magnesium is required to enable calcium to be absorbed, although calcium absorption is dependent on vitamin D, it apparently does not depend on magnesium. 1 (The two minerals are, however, highly interactive in circulation and in cellular function.) Conversely, most human studies on the effects of dietary calcium on magnesium absorption have shown no effect, and one study has reported decreased magnesium absorption rates!
A final, important point is that some magnesium is needed, along with calcium, boron, and vitamins A, C, D, and K2, for proper bone health.
1. Fine KD, Santa Ana CA, Porter JL, Fordtran JS. Intestinal absorption of magnesium from food and supplements. J Clin Invest 1991;88(2):396-402.
2. Hardwick LL, Jones MR, Brautbar N, Lee DB. Magnesium absorption: mechanisms and the influence of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate. J Nutr 1991;121(1):13-23.
3. Spencer H, Lesniak M, Gatza CA, Kramer L, Norris C, Coffey J. Magnesium-calcium interrelationships in man. Trace Subst Environ Health 1978; 12:2417.
4. Greger JL, Smith SA, Snedeker SM. Effect of dietary calcium and phosphorus levels on the utilization of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and selenium by adult males. Nutr Res 1981;1:315;2
SUGGESTED USE: Take Calcium Priority™ as a dietary supplement; take 1 capsule after each meal and at bedtime.
Additional suggestion: Take 1-2 capsules of Magnesium Priority™ with each capsule of Calcium Priority™.