October 2006 Blog with Durk and Sandy
SPECIAL REPORT ON CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE CHANGE KEEPS . . . UH . . . CHANGING — Headline, news article in Nature, June 29, 2006 Well, not
SPECIAL REPORT ON CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE CHANGE KEEPS . . . UH . . . CHANGING — Headline, news article in Nature, June 29, 2006 Well, not
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF CALORIC RESTRICTION WHEN ONLY CARBOHYDRATE CALORIES ARE RESTRICTED A new rat study of caloric restriction (CR) of late-middle-aged animals1 breaks new ground by
MORTALITY IN ANTIOXIDANT TRIALS A recent analysis was published1 on the effects of dietary supplements used in large, randomized, disease-prevention trials, either primary (before a deleterious
If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom. — W. Somerset MaughamI called it ignose, not knowing which carbohydrate it
Science is a long history of learning how not to fool ourselves. — Richard P. Feynman But Scientists, who ought to know, Assure us that
Last night I had a nightmare . . . I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking of what Bishop Samuel Wilberforce’s wife reputedly said
An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties . . . it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it
[Not for] billions of years, will the real history of the universe begin. It will be a history illuminated only by the reds and infrareds
EARTH TO LOONY BIN: THE TRIFFIDS WERE OFFENDED According to an article published in the May 2008 inform (published by the American Oil Chemists’ Society), the Swiss
Instead of union, let us have disunion now. Instead of fusing the small, let us dismember the big. Instead of creating fewer and larger states,
elephant, n. A mouse built to government specifications. — Robert Heinlein THE MOST ENDANGERED SPECIES IS SANITY Last week, [five industry groups] filed suit in
HAPPY NEW YEAR! LIVE LONG & PROSPER!! The best definition of an immortal is someone who hasn’t died yet. — Tom Holt, Ye Gods! (1992) It sounded
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