March 2008 Blog with Durk and Sandy
Last night I had a nightmare . . . I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking of what Bishop Samuel Wilberforce’s wife reputedly said
Last night I had a nightmare . . . I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking of what Bishop Samuel Wilberforce’s wife reputedly said
An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties . . . it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it
[Not for] billions of years, will the real history of the universe begin. It will be a history illuminated only by the reds and infrareds
EARTH TO LOONY BIN: THE TRIFFIDS WERE OFFENDED According to an article published in the May 2008 inform (published by the American Oil Chemists’ Society), the Swiss
Instead of union, let us have disunion now. Instead of fusing the small, let us dismember the big. Instead of creating fewer and larger states,
elephant, n. A mouse built to government specifications. — Robert Heinlein THE MOST ENDANGERED SPECIES IS SANITY Last week, [five industry groups] filed suit in
HAPPY NEW YEAR! LIVE LONG & PROSPER!! The best definition of an immortal is someone who hasn’t died yet. — Tom Holt, Ye Gods! (1992) It sounded
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.—Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Why should I? Everyone knows me there (upon being told by his wife to dress
“ORGANIZED SCIENCE” GOING TO THE DOGS (OR, AS IN THIS CASE, TO THE FROGS) Even the very best and most reputable scientific journals are now
The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent
There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.— John Adams There are 1011 stars
[O]f those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people;
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