July 2008 Blog with Durk and Sandy
[Not for] billions of years, will the real history of the universe begin. It will be a history illuminated only by the reds and infrareds
[Not for] billions of years, will the real history of the universe begin. It will be a history illuminated only by the reds and infrareds
There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.— John Adams There are 1011 stars
[O]f those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people;
Even as a youngster, though, I could not bring myself to believe that if knowledge presented danger, the solution was ignorance. To me, it always
A readers’ survey by Nature1 showed that one in five respondents already used some form of cognition-enhancing drug. 1. Maher, Nature 452:674-675 (2008). The following
“There are countless suns and countless earths all rotating around their suns in exactly the same way as the seven planets of our system. We
Happy New Year to our fellow lovers of life and of freedom. Live long & prosper! Rise early. Work late. Strike oil. — J. Paul
A loser is someone who won’t take “yes” for an answer.— Sandy Shaw Narcissurfing — Googling yourself to see where and how many times your
A few good laughs from late night TV humor: The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree … and think 25 to
What a glorious morning this is! — Samuel Adams, to John Hancock at the Battle of Lexington, Massachusetts, 1775 Advertisements … contain the only
pportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.— Thomas Edison (from Dr. Julian Whitaker’s “Health & Healing”,
“Human Felicity is produced not so much by great Pieces of good Fortune that seldom happen, as by little Advantages that occur every Day.” —
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