February 2011 Blog with Durk and Sandy
Happy New Year to our fellow lovers of life and of freedom. Live long & prosper! Rise early. Work late. Strike oil. — J. Paul
Happy New Year to our fellow lovers of life and of freedom. Live long & prosper! Rise early. Work late. Strike oil. — J. Paul
“There are countless suns and countless earths all rotating around their suns in exactly the same way as the seven planets of our system. We
APPETIZERS When faced with a problem you do not understand, do any part of it you do understand, then look at it again.— Robert A.
APPETIZERSThough many have tried, no one has ever yet explained away the decisive fact that science, which can do so much, cannot decide what it
The more corrupt the State the more numerous the laws.— Cornelius TacitusTo have a license number of one’s automobile as low as possible is a
Startling fact: Nearly once a minute, a woman in the United States dies of heart disease. It is the leading cause of death among women in
You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly, too. — John
In response to the shortage of critical drugs, President Barack Obama signed an executive order last month that more than doubles FDA staff devoted to
The journey of a thousand miles begins by finding your shoes.— Lao-Tzu (first century BC)Advertisement: Stock up and save. Limit: one Sign in a Japanese
IRON DEFICIENCY IN OBESE MEXICAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN— ASSOCIATION WITH INFLAMMATION BUT NOT IRON INTAKE Another interesting link between inflammation and disease risk was reported
Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly. Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in
A readers’ survey by Nature1 showed that one in five respondents already used some form of cognition-enhancing drug. 1. Maher, Nature 452:674-675 (2008). The following
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Life Priority Health and Nutrition does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.
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