Happy Mother’s Day! Take Care of the Team Captain-You!

Hats off to the Mother’s……Mom’s! Take Care of the Team Captain—You!

As a former player in MLB for over 9 seasons, I sometimes reflect on my early years and what happened then that helped me end up being on a World Series Championship team (KC Royals in ’85).  In the late ’50’s, when I was playing in the Hot Stove League in Akron, Ohio (the old time name for Little League), my mother always made sure that my needs were taken care of before my ballgames.  Mom made sure that I was fed properly, that I had my hat and glove, that I had a clean uniform, and that I was at the game on time. I took her and her services for granted and now, as I look back, I wonder who was taking care of her needs?

If you are a mom (or a dad) helping your young athlete become all that he or she can be, are you sure that you are taking care of your specific needs too since, in my opinion, you are the captain of your family team!  You cannot afford to end up on the “bench”.  The following information gives you one easy way to keep your head and body in the game!

Every article that I write for KC Sports and Fitness magazine has been about the importance of using enough specific (essential) nutrients in the right form and quantities every day.   One specific essential nutrient that everyone, especially all you mothers, needs to get every day is omega-3 fatty acid.  Omega-3 is called an essential fatty acid: It’s essential to health, and because the human body doesn’t produce it, it’s essential in the diet. Unfortunately, the typical American diet includes relatively few foods that are rich in omega-3.

Considering that it is difficult to get enough omega-3 from our diet, I suggest that the next best way to get the balance is in supplement form via fish oil.  It is essential for so many of our working parts, especially our brain.

Scientific evidence suggests omega-3s help regulate mental health problems because they enhance the ability of brain-cell receptors to comprehend mood-related signals from other neurons in the brain. In other words, the omega-3s are believed to help keep the brain’s entire traffic pattern of thoughts, reactions, and reflexes running smoothly and efficiently.

Researchers have discovered a link between mood disorders and the presence of low concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in the body.  Omega-3 is used to regulate blood clotting, build cell membranes and support cell health.

Omega-3 also curbs inflammation. While inflammation is a normal part of the body’s immune response, research indicates that it also underlies a host of many benefits, including cardiovascular health, and autoimmune diseases.

There are plenty of Omega-3 dietary supplement products in the marketplace.  Choose wisely!  I suggest that you consider the Life Priority product, Omega-3 Priority because it is concentrated (60% EPA/DHA vs. normal 30%), a pharmaceutical-grade, deodorized (no fishy tasting burping), and from a pristine source in deep sea waters.

To Your Health!

Greg Pryor

Contact us at 800-787-5438 or www.lifepriority.com

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