Life Priority Vitamin D3 provides 2,000 IUs of Vitamin D per serving. Contains Vitamin D3 which is the most bioavailable form of Vitamin D3.;Life Priority - Eyes on Vitamin D

Eyes on D3

Thanks to recent research, the power of vitamin D3 is making headlines again. And, as the weather turns warmer, the timing couldn’t be more perfect to talk about the benefits of such an environment-related key to our health. Also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D3 is manufactured in the body’s skin when it is exposed to sunlight. To date, it has proven effective in preventing cancer, enhancing bone health, lowering blood pressure and decreasing depression. And now its anti-inflammatory properties are being highlighted through a recent study of aging mice. Life Priority - Eyes on Vitamin D

In this study, a group of mice with age-associated visual impairments caused by retinal inflammation were given doses of vitamin D3 for a period of six weeks, while another group with the same condition was given a controlled placebo. During that time, the retinal inflammation of the mice receiving D3 injections decreased significantly compared to those receiving the placebo. In fact, the D3 treatments also appeared to positively affect chronic inflammation in other areas of the rodents’ bodies overall.

What does this mean? It means great news for everyone who is fighting to maintain their eyesight as they get older. Simply getting more vitamin D3 could be an easy way to keep your vision intact for as long as you are!

Unfortunately, vitamin D3 only helps if we get adequate amounts of it. With so much of our attention being focused on avoiding the sun and lowering our risk of skin cancer, most of us don’t get the amount of D3 we need in order to reap its benefits.

This summer, instead of avoiding the sun altogether, adopt a balanced approach to sunlight and enjoy the outdoors. You’ll not only boost your mood and lower your risk of various diseases, you’ll also increase your chances for improved eyesight. If opportunities for outdoor activity aren’t readily available for you, consider talking to your doctor about vitamin D3 supplementation. It could be just the thing you need to see clearly for years to come!

Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.
*The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
*Any testimonials on this web site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.
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