The aging process is certainly not for the weak. The Speed of an MLB Fastball vs Father Time, Mother Nature by Greg Pryor.

The Speed of an MLB Fastball vs Father Time, Mother Nature!

The Speed of an MLB Fastball vs Father Time, Mother Nature! For 16 seasons as a pro baseball player, I had to deal with Mother Nature, Father Time, and What happens to MLB players when baseball season is over? A very important aspect of off season conditioning is the diet.hitting MLB fastballs in order to keep a job.  At age 66 now and looking back, I think that it was easier to hit a MLB fastball than it is to deal with Mother Nature and Father Time (Ma and Pa). The aging process is certainly not for the weak.

Recently, I saw two people who I had not seen for many years.  It was very evident from their appearance that they were much older from living with Ma and Pa.  The aging process never sleeps.  We all live closely with both Ma and Pa every day.  How does facing an MLB fastball fit into this equation though?

Recently, I watched a Netflix documentary called “Fastball”.  Many of the most notable fastball pitchers in MLB baseball history, the Fellers, Ryans, and Gibsons were interviewed with many of the best fastball hitters in history, the Brett’s, Bench’s, and Schmidt’s.   The MLB pitchers who were interviewed could throw a baseball from 95 MPH to 105 MPH.  The hitters interviewed explained how quickly they had to recognize the pitch and then swing their bats.  To find out how quickly that the brain/body needs react to hit a MLB fastball, go to this site.

Because I managed to work well enough with Ma and Pa in my career, I was able to keep a job hitting fastballs for 16 pro seasons.  Towards the end of my career, Ma and Pa “informed me” that I was unable to catch up to the fastball like I could when I was younger.  I knew that the best days of my career were almost over.

Keeping up with the fast pace in life is much like hitting a MLB fastball.  To succeed in life and in business, one needs to learn how to play the “game” and to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.  If we don’t do it well enough, we miss out on opportunities to advance in our jobs or even lose our jobs.  We need to know when to make our decisions to swing early enough to get the hits that we want in every day life.

I am more aware of the aging process now more than when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. Now, I am more concerned about the aging of my brain than anything else. I am fortunate that, when I was 42, I was introduced to ways to slow up the aging process.

I knew that I was aging, but I was shocked at how quickly it seemed to be happening.  That is the biggest reason why I entered the health and nutrition industry.  I began learning how to slow up the aging process through the consumption of certain essential nutrients in adequate amounts.  I began encouraging the repair process each day. I use at least 6 different Life Priority nutrients via dietary supplements that may help “feed” my brain.  I do this because I do not want to be a burden on others because of my inability to think and reason properly.

Don’t wait until “the fastballs” in your life are being thrown by you!  Your body and brain is aging with each passing day.  The rally cry of the ’15 World Champion KC Royals was, “Keep The Line Moving!”  My rally cry to you is “Keep Your Brain Working!”.

For information on what dietary nutrients that I use to keep my brain nourished each day, send me an email at  I will be glad to help you keep hitting the mental “fastballs” in your life.

Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.
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