Success is measured in inches, not pounds. This plan is not just a weight loss plan; it's a wellness plan, I recommend keeping a journal.

A Quick Guide to a Healthier You!

New Year, New Attitude, New You!

Life Priority Physical Improvement 101

Success is measured in inches, not pounds. This plan is not just a weight loss plan; it’s a “wellness” plan. The plan I’m laying out will get rid of fat, and tone muscle to give you that healthy look.  This method of physical fitness takes the “old fashioned method” (burning more calories than you take in) and nutritional knowledge, to give you the results of a healthy body. If you are ready to take control of you physical life, then let’s get started!

  1. Attitude
    your attitude is going to determine how successful you are in this or any other plan for healthy living.  I believe attitude is the downfall of most people and their quest for the better body. The question is how to start this change- Set your desired goal and your mission statement and put it on a 3X5 index card.  Read your mission statement daily morning/before bed. I like to encourage using a health journal and write out the experiences from the day. Changes don’t occur overnight but keeping a focus on your goals will help motivate and encourage you.

 2. Diet The facts are that you need to burn more calories that you take in. No matter what kind of chemical breakdown, low carb, no carb, high protein, sugar buster or whatever diet is in this month, the fact is still the same; if you want a diet you can stay on for a life time of good health, it has to be one that corresponds to what your body needs and is using! When you cut out an entire food group or use some strange combination of food to lose weight, you are on the wrong track.  Please try these simple guidelines and you will find yourself looking and feeling better in no time.

  1. Drink lots of clean water with your meals  (drink 2 – 3 glasses between meals).
  2. Make good food choices and add lots of colorful fruits and vegetables.
  3. Never eat anything fried if you can help it.
  4. Eat sweets in very low moderation. Sugar is added more now than ever before in almost everything we eat.
  5. Try to eat local, organic vegetables when possible.
  6. It’s OK to snack, but you should include fruit and low fat snacks.
  7. Avoid sodas and popular drinks that have high sugar levels.
  8. Include vitamin supplements in your diet. One-per-meal Lifeguard is a good supplement to intake the necessary amounts of nutrients. I would also recommend taking Omega 3 Priority , an essential fatty acid supplement for good heart and cognitive health, and may help lower cholesterol levels.
  9. Don’t overeat! Eat until your satisfied that you’re not hungry, then stop.

Now that you have your diet under control and are making healthy lifestyle choices regarding the fuel you give your body, let’s look at the other side of the equation. The only way to do this is through exercise.

One of the best ways to lead a healthy lifestyle is to exercise. I have found that walking, yoga or Tai Chi  have worked well for me. Exercise gets your blood flowing to all the muscles and organs and walking is a good way to warm up. A quick 10-15 minute walk a day will do wonders for stress, mood and overall health. Strength training is also valuable, but I recommend having professional assistance.

Keep a Journal Daily
I would recommend keeping a record or journal of your progress. You can keep track of the weight and inches you are losing through your new physical “lifestyle” development.. This will provide motivation to keep up the positive change. Remember the ability to change your life is just a decision away! Success is measured in inches!

Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.
*The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
*Any testimonials on this web site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.
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