What Happened to all the Life Priority Blogs?

What Happened to the Life Priority BlogsAs you’ve probably already noticed, we have removed all of our previous blog entries from The Life Priority Blog! Now, you’re probably asking yourself “Why?”. In response to a recent letter received from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we made the choice to remove all of our blog content while we had a chance to review it.

Due to some highly technical details, known as Structure/Function Claims, it was brought to our attention that the FDA considered some of our blog information and/or website descriptions to make drug related claims at treating specific diseases.

As we’re sure you already know, we always aim to provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information possible! So, while we review this content, we made the decision to pull the content to avoid any confusion.

We still have archived versions of all of our previous blogs! So, if you need any information on a specific topic, or really enjoyed one of the blogs, please email us at customerservice@lifepriority.com or call us at 800-787-5438.

For more details, please refer to this Open Letter to Our Customers from Life Priority owners Greg & Michelle Prior!

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