The most important thing that men can do is to get tested on an annual basis and catch prostate cancer early and stop it in its tracks.;Husband & Wife at Doctor's Appointment

Women Can be Partners in Men’s Health

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, with as many as 30,000 men dying from this potentially deadly disease each year. The most important thing that men can do is to get tested on an annual basis in order to catch prostate cancer early and stop it in its tracks before it’s too late. Women can play a vital role in helping in the effort.

Women Can Give the Men they Love a Nudge

As a whole, women are much more consistent about staying on top of their health, making annual appointments to deal with female health issues and seeing a doctor when they occasional health concerns. However, men tend to be more reluctant about going to the doctor. They often ignore any potential symptoms and health problems and try to tough it out. This often leads to the manifestation of serious health issues that could have been prevented, or at least managed before they got worse, when men are proactive.

How can women help? Women can encourage the men in their lives to take preventative measures by going to doctor on an annual basis and getting tested for prostate cancer beginning at age 40. It only takes a simple blood test to catch this life-threatening disease in its early stages. Prostate cancer generally does not have symptoms until it is in an advanced stage, and even affecting other organs. The main goal is to diagnose this disease before it progresses, and women can continue to urge the men they love to go to make that doctor’s appointment.

Husband & Wife at Doctor's Appointment

Women Can Watch for Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

While there are no overt symptoms of prostate cancer in early stages, there are some signals that may be warning signs. Women need to pay close attention to their loved ones in the event that there is a change in a man’s health that could indicate prostate cancer. Men often don’t complain when they are dealing with startling symptoms. Oftentimes it’s up to the women in their lives to take note of any changes, and even empower the men in their lives to take action. Signs of prostate cancer that women should look out for include:

  • Frequent visits to the bathroom
  • Urine stains on underwear
  • Complaints that the urine flow is weak and must be forced out
  • Difficulty with urinating
  • Urination that burns or is painful
  • Blood in the urine
  • Pain during ejaculation
  • Chronic pain in the thighs, hips, and lower back

Women Can Schedule the Doctor’s Appointment if Symptoms Persist

An occasional complaint is usually not a big concern. On the contrary, if men show symptoms on a daily basis that are progressively getting worse, or are showing a combination of the signs listed above, seeing a doctor is a must. And whenever there is blood during urination, there should be no delay. There is always a possibility that other issues are occurring, such as kidney stones or a urinary tract infection. But on the chance that it’s prostate cancer, time is of the essence. If you have to, schedule the appointment for him yourself. You would do anything to save his life, even if it means he’s a little cranky about it at first, wouldn’t you?

Women Can Help Catch Prostate Cancer While it is Treatable

When caught at the earliest stages, prostate cancer has an exceptionally high cure rate. But when it is ignored, it is considered the silent killer. With something as simple as a blood test to indicate that there is a problem, doctors can recommend treatment options. Every man is different and each case is unique. Determining the right fit will depend on the individual. Treatment options include monitoring, surgical removal, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, cryosurgery, bisphosphonate therapy, and biologic therapy. The treatment process will be adjusted over time as a medical team keeps tabs on progress. But the only way this can happen is if men get to the doctor’s office in time. Be diligent and do what it takes to spot the signs and get your main man into the doctor’s office!

Women Can be Partners in Men’s Health

For all the women who have stubborn men, it’s time to do more than ask them to go to the doctor. Women need to educate the men in their lives and explain to them how serious it can be if they do not take care of themselves. Remind them of what’s at stake. Awareness and prevention are key factors in promoting a man’s well-being.

It is our hope that men will recognize the fact that a visit to the physician could change their lives for the better. Making that appointment might be inconvenient. Discussing various problems can be embarrassing. Men simply don’t like to open up about their health issues. However, getting regular check-ups is the responsible choice, one that will make it much more likely to enjoy many years ahead. Women need to remind the men that they love that getting checked regularly for prostate cancer can avoid a great deal of pain and suffering.

Let’s face it – prostate cancer doesn’t only affect men. It has major consequences for everyone who cares about them, including the women who love them. Mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives can all team up during National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month to prompt their loved ones to take action. It’s a movement that can continue throughout the year to save more lives from prostate cancer.

ULTRA PROSTATE PRIORITY Supports a healthy prostate

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*The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
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