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Invest In Your Health by Adding Life Priority Supplements

Omega-3_dnm_thumb According to several government studies, more than half of all Americans take at least one supplement every day, most commonly a multivitamin or omega-3 supplement. The reason most often cited for taking dietary supplements is to fill in nutritional gaps. The commercial food supply has experienced a significant reduction in several essential nutrients within the last 60 years, due mostly to irresponsible agricultural practices.

Some of the nutrients that are virtually missing from the modern American diet include magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins E, C and A. While a diet rich in healthy and nutritious foods is always best, it won’t always supply everything that you need. Here are some of the ways in which dietary supplements can give your good health a boost. You’ll be in a better mood, have better results, and get the most from your exercising.

Nervous System Support
Your nervous system relies on nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium and potassium to function properly. Vitamins in the B group, especially B12 and B9, assist with energy metabolism. Magnesium and potassium, both electrolyte minerals, regulate the electrical impulses that control heart rhythm and muscle contractions. Having low electrolytes, particularly magnesium, is known to cause heart attack and poor strength.

Better Moods
Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids have a profound impact on how you feel. Minerals such as copper, magnesium and zinc are important to your brain’s ability to produce serotonin and other mood-boosting neurotransmitters. Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D have been shown to reduce the likelihood of depression in people who take them as supplements. Some vitamins and minerals have even been proven to shorten or prevent episodes in people with psychotic disorders.

Sports with other people is a great combination with supplements and vitamins, because it gives you a chance to interact with the people around you in your healthy lifestyle, giving you friendly quality time with people as well as an opportunity to maximize your body’s workout.

Higher Testosterone
Low testosterone is associated with fatigue, fat gain, low libido, inability to maintain muscle and cognitive decline. Healthy testosterone levels in both men and women depend upon having good intake of things like magnesium, zinc and vitamins A and C. Vitamin A, not to be confused with beta carotene, is a particularly difficult one to get from food these days. Today, the only real food sources are wild-caught fish, wild game and cod liver oil.

Vegan and Vegetarian Health
A vegan or vegetarian diet is considered to be very healthy, but unfortunately, it’s not a nutritionally balanced diet. Human beings were designed to eat an omnivorous diet. We require certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and various amino acids, that can only be found in significant amounts in meat and other animal products. Therefore, it is important for vegans and vegetarians to supplement their diets with anything that might be missing.

Stay current with your good health, visit to find Omega-3, Lifeguard, Lift/Lift Caps and other multivitamins to supplement and compliment your diet.

Invest in your Health and Make your Life a Top Priority! I am glad I Did!

Michelle Pryor, Life Priority co-owner, #1 Customer!


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