Soda pop is an easy buy at the store and everyone loves it, but pop is not healthy for us and can hurt us more than we realize.

4 Good Reasons to Say No to Soda Pop, and Yes to Real Lift

The holidays are fast approaching and that means bake days and cooking days. Cookies, pies, potatoes, ham and turkey are big hits during the holiday season, but another item often fills our stomachs. Soda pop is an easy buy at the store and everyone loves it, but pop is not healthy for us and can hurt us more than we realize. Herein lies the case against soda…

Weight Gain & Diabetes

Pop may taste great, but it’s full of sugar and calories. With all the sugar infused into each can, consuming pop on a regular basis may lead to weight gain and increased difficulty in losing weight. In severe cases, pop can also lead to the development of diabetes due to all the sugar intake which is harmful to your body.

Weaker Teeth

In addition to potential problems with weight, pop can all lead to weaker and less healthy teeth. Pop can help develop an acid coating on your teeth when the sugar it contains is combined with the bacteria in your mouth. This can cause staining, weakening of the enamel, tooth decay and cavities. If you’ve ever seen someone who drinks pop more frequently than the norm, some of them will have build up on their teeth from the sugar.

Caffeine Crashes

Of course pop also contains caffeine and sometimes people need the extra pick-me-up, but infusing your body with a rush of caffeine isn’t healthy. You can experience a caffeine crash later and feel more tired than before you consumed the pop. Also, caffeine can make people jittery, and putting the body through the highs and lows of caffeine spikes of crashes isn’t beneficial.

The Alternative to Soda

Lift, on the other hand, is an all natural drink that might help boost energy, but it does more than that. Lift could help curb your appetite and help you lose weight. L-phenylalanine can help you not eat as much, and at the same time help you feel more upbeat and happy.

Yes, as mentioned before, Lift could naturally boost your energy, but it’s also a great alternative to pop. So this holiday season reach for a glass of Lift instead of a can of pop. At the same time, try to make more health conscious decisions during Thanksgiving and Christmas by watching what you eat and drink; your health with thank you.

To Your Health!

Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.
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