A Strong Immune System…The Best Health Insurance Policy!

A glass of green juice or tea on top of a napkin that says "boost your immune system"

The immune system is a marvel of human biology, functioning as a complex network of organs, white blood cells, proteins, and chemicals. It protects the body against foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Life Extension scientists Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® have studied the current literature to determine how best to support … Read more

Life Priority Blog Disclaimer

Life Priority, since 1994, has undergone two FDA inspections and would love to make you aware of the importance of the FDA.

DISCLAIMER This Life Priority blog is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this blog should not be considered as a substitute … Read more

Guy’s Guide to a Healthier Lifestyle

It’s known fact most men only go to the doctor when they are sick. This creates the generalization that men are too casual about their health.

It’s not an unknown fact: most men only go to the doctor when they are sick. This creates the generalization that men are much too casual or disinterested in their health. We urge that men (and women) get an annual physical so they can address any underlying concerns that may be present in their health … Read more

Green Machine: The Power of a Simple Green Smoothie

how to make green smoothies

At first glance (okay, maybe also at second and third) green smoothies can look like the most unappealing thing that you would ever want to ingest, but it may be time to reconsider. Sure, they don’t look delicious, but in reality they can be, and best of all, they pack a nutritious punch. A green … Read more

How to Be a Healthier, Happier, Better-Balanced Woman: 6 steps to self-improvement

These 6 steps are important for any woman at any stage of life so that she can become healthier, happier, and better-balanced woman.;Do you ever make New Year’s resolutions regarding your exercise routine only to watch them go by the wayside within a few weeks? 

The downside: with age comes health risks. The upside: many of these risks are easily preventable. With just a little bit of wisdom and a strong dose of diligence you too can become a healthier, happier, and better-balanced woman with these 6 steps. Practice your Balance & Flexibility It sounds like a weird thing to … Read more

Summer Hydration 101: Hydration Through Supplementation

Six to eight large glasses of water daily is sufficient for sedentary activities. Listen to your body, and when you're thirsty, DRINK WATER!

As we continue this health journey with you, we want to highlight our second pillar of health success. With summer practically here and the temperatures rising, hydration has never been more important. Drinking water and keeping hydrated can seem like a monotonous task that we don’t really give much thought to, but in the grand … Read more

Digestive Enzymes vs. Probiotics. Which is Better?

Enzymes or probiotics

Enzymes or probiotics? Which is more beneficial to our health? While both are indispensable for digestive health, they both have separate characteristics that make them unique. Both of them operate in the same system but have different functions. Probiotics If you think probiotics only exist in a yogurt that Jamie Lee Curtis promotes then let … Read more

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits with the Niacin Flush

Benefits of Niacin

Are you aware of all of the benefits that niacin can offer? More often than not, many people seek out flush-free niacin because of the intense side effects that can occur in some (reddening of the skin, heat sensation, itching) all due to the increased blood flow response. If you have ever experienced how intense … Read more

When is the Best Time to Take Your Muscle Memory?

Muscle Memory is a cutting edge arginine supplement, created from many years of science research. Little do many of us know though, is that the science isn’t just in the nutrient itself. We think, “Okay I have a new supplement, I just need to make sure I take it everyday,”–this usually ends up being first … Read more

Productive Sleep doesn’t have to be just a dream.

Introducing Life Priority’s Productive Sleep™ Good sleep doesn’t have to be just a dream. Get more power from your nap! Get more out of the sleep you get. By Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw Hundreds of substances, both natural and synthetic, have been tried over the past few thousand years as sleep-inducing agents. Many were … Read more

Choline in Brain Function and Sleep

Choline in Brain Function and Sleep is an important part of regulatory pathways in sleep & cognitive functions. By Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw.;Are You One of the 92% of the Population That Does Not Consume the Adequate Intake of Choline Recommended by the Institute of Medicine?

Choline in Brain Function and Sleep Acetylcholine (made from choline) is an important part of regulatory pathways in sleep and many cognitive functions. By Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw Areview in Neuron1 described the function of acetylcholine (a ubiquitous neurotransmitter) in the brain as follows: “Acetylcholine in the brain alters neuronal excitability, influences synaptic transmission, induces … Read more