Mondays I believe set the tone for my whole week. Here are some of the things that I do to help prep for my Monday Motivation!
- I am a List maker- I make a list of the tasks I would like to accomplish. I usually keep a list going of tasks that I need to complete. My list is pretty long, but that helps me to focus, prioritize and key into the areas of my personal and business that I want to focus on each day! What I do is use that “ongoing” list to create my daily list. I always take just a couple minutes to do this every night before I go to bed. I find that I don’t lay in bed thinking about all the things I have to get done tomorrow because I have already done that, made my notes, created my list and and I am ready for the day. I love feeling I am making wise use of my time. I create my monthly calendars 6 months in advance and update my home and travel plans weekly.
- I prepare myself for Monday by creating Sunday night “Me Time” A self care routine. The weekends can be exhausting catching up on all the home projects. My emotional bank account is empty and I need to refill. Some of my favorite things to do include– something as simple as taking a bath, taking some time to journal, reading a book, or listening to classical music, or watching my favorite tv show! Just this little bit of “me time” is enough to fuel me for my Monday Morning Motivation.
3. Getting up an extra 15 mins earlier-getting prepared for Monday helps make the morning a breeze, I find that when I don’t have these things in order I feel can feel exhausted and overwhelmed.
- The most important thing I do is get mentally prepared–I always start my day (every
day) with a glass of water and my vitamins. My favorite beverage is a combination of Lift and Mind. I knew the 1st time I took Lift that something very special helped me and my ability to think and prioritize my day. I felt energized and ready to jump into my day. After 20 years of working in the health and nutritional world I am convinced that the formulas of Lift and Mind are so valuable for the health of the human brain. Two very valuable ingredients L-phenylalanine and choline are
well documented to support memory focus and motivation.
- I alway have breakfast- I believe Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! You can’t run a car on empty and you can run your body without supporting your health with a healthy breakfast.
Remember, you are the CEO! The CEO of your Life, Family or your Business. I have looked at my Mondays and how they affect the rest of my week- Mondays have a huge impact on me and my week, and I want to do everything in my power to start my week of right!