Time Is On My Side….Yes, It Is

Reduce the Accumulation of AGEs with Rutin, Alpha-lipoic acid, Carnosine, Benfotiamine, Histidine, & Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B-6).

The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw®Life Extension NewsTM Volume 20 No. 2 • March 2017 TIME IS ON MY SIDE … YES, IT IS by Sandy Shaw The difference between drug use and addiction or eating and metabolic diseases is time. The amount of time we take a potentially addictive drug determines whether we become … Read more

Six Foods to Eat this Summer

With summer and warm weather comes sweating. With sweating comes higher risks of dehydration and nutrient deficiencies. Combat these risks by eating locally sourced, in season produce. Visit your local farmer’s markets or check for the local section in your grocery store. In season fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that are at their peak, and … Read more

Invest In Your Health by Adding Life Priority Supplements

health supplements; bone restore; hair skin and nails; two per day capsules; c vitamin; vitamin c; vitamin c2; c2 vitamin; omega 3 supplement; health booster; vitamin k; vitamin d; vitamin d3; one per day vitamin; one per day multivitamin; glucosamine chondroitin; life extension magnesium; magnesium supplement; coq10 supplement; viatmin e supplement; glutathione cysteine; supplement nac; black seed oil; glucosamine; n acetyl cysteine; nacetyl l cysteine; fish oil; supplements fish oil; acetyl cysteine; omega 3 supplements; fish oil pill; omega 3 from fish oil; best fish oil supplements; n acetylcysteine cysteine; omega 3 supplements best; b complex; fish oil benefits; vitamins and supplements; black seed oil benefits; flush niacin; glucosamine chondroitin; vitamin life extension; supplements life extension; life extension multivitamin; life extension magnesium; magnesium caps; prostate ultra; fish oil vitamins; supplements vitamins; durk pearson; durk pearson and sandy shaw

According to several government studies, more than half of all Americans take at least one supplement every day, most commonly a multivitamin or omega-3 supplement. The reason most often cited for taking dietary supplements is to fill in nutritional gaps. The commercial food supply has experienced a significant reduction in several essential nutrients within the … Read more


Benefits of Niacin

HOW TO TAKE NIACIN THE RIGHT WAY   Oh, yes, there is a right way to take high-dose immediate release niacin. Take it at the right time and you can get a host of health benefits, especially reduced triglycerides, LDL, and VLDL and increased HDL—at the wrong time, you lose some of these benefits. Here’s … Read more


The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® Life Extension NewsTM Volume 20 No. 1 • February 2017 LIVE LONGER WITH VITAMIN D3 or LIVE LESS LONG WITH LESS VITAMIN D3 Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to many chronic disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, infections, immune deficiency, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart failure, sudden … Read more

Magnesium Reduces All-Cause Mortality, Including Stroke, Heart Failure, And Diabetes

The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® Life Extension NewsTM Volume 20 No. 2 • March 2017 MAGNESIUM REDUCES ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY, INCLUDING STROKE, HEART FAILURE, AND DIABETES A very recent paper (Fang, 2016) examined the association between dietary magnesium and health. In this dose-response meta-analysis from 40 prospective cohort studies that included over one million (1,000,000) … Read more

Green Machine: The Power of a Simple Green Smoothie

how to make green smoothies

At first glance (okay, maybe also at second and third) green smoothies can look like the most unappealing thing that you would ever want to ingest, but it may be time to reconsider. Sure, they don’t look delicious, but in reality they can be, and best of all, they pack a nutritious punch. A green … Read more

How to Be a Healthier, Happier, Better-Balanced Woman: 6 steps to self-improvement

These 6 steps are important for any woman at any stage of life so that she can become healthier, happier, and better-balanced woman.;Do you ever make New Year’s resolutions regarding your exercise routine only to watch them go by the wayside within a few weeks? 

The downside: with age comes health risks. The upside: many of these risks are easily preventable. With just a little bit of wisdom and a strong dose of diligence you too can become a healthier, happier, and better-balanced woman with these 6 steps. Practice your Balance & Flexibility It sounds like a weird thing to … Read more

Summer Hydration 101: Hydration Through Supplementation

Six to eight large glasses of water daily is sufficient for sedentary activities. Listen to your body, and when you're thirsty, DRINK WATER!

As we continue this health journey with you, we want to highlight our second pillar of health success. With summer practically here and the temperatures rising, hydration has never been more important. Drinking water and keeping hydrated can seem like a monotonous task that we don’t really give much thought to, but in the grand … Read more

Digestive Enzymes vs. Probiotics. Which is Better?

Enzymes or probiotics

Enzymes or probiotics? Which is more beneficial to our health? While both are indispensable for digestive health, they both have separate characteristics that make them unique. Both of them operate in the same system but have different functions. Probiotics If you think probiotics only exist in a yogurt that Jamie Lee Curtis promotes then let … Read more