Immune Seasonal Support

Be ready for whatever the world sends your way with a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet that includes essential nutrients known for their power to shore up your body’s natural defenses.

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Your Immune System – The Best Investment You Can Make

As the seasons change, so do challenges to your immune system. While all that time indoors can make the cold winter months a tricky time to navigate, the milder seasons bring their own annoyances as well. Be ready for whatever the world sends your way with a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet that includes essential nutrients known for their power to shore up your body’s natural defenses. Here are our top tips for bolstering your immune health, all year long.

1. Zinc up your immune health

Zinc is a powerful mineral that keeps your immune system strong, offering your body extra support when you’re most concerned about staying healthy. Incorporating zinc into your wellness routine will help you be your best self, even in those especially challenging winter months.

2. Vitamins for the win

Essential vitamins C and D are immune health superstars. Vitamin C supports your overall immune system function and provides antioxidant protection to keep you healthy, and vitamin D, which you can get from sunlight, and offers many health benefits, including immune support. It can be tough to get enough of these vitamins from diet alone, though, so go the extra mile with targeted nutrition to make sure you’re not selling yourself—or your health—short!

3. Rest and recharge

Make sure you are getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, so that the next day, you’ll be able to operate at your best—and will have the strength to fight off any potential challenges. Hydration is also key. And eating an immune—friendly diet is both fun and delicious! Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods into your routine, like blueberries, strawberries, pecans, kale and even dark chocolate (yum!).


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How would you like to eliminate brain fog and memory lapses?
“Everybody knows you can do something about physical fitness, but very few people realize that it’s possible to do something about mental fitness.”

Mind was created by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw. This designer food promotes focus, concentration and clarity because of its main ingredient, choline. This nutrient is required to make acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter that assists in memory and muscle movement.

Lift™ is another designer food formula by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw. It’s an energy-boosting nutritional supplement to fire up your brain. It alleviates mental fatigue giving you the brain supplements to achieve energy and mental clarity.

LIFT and MIND together will help you achieve not only youthful energy, but removes brain fog, improving your memory These two drinks only work if you work them. Twice a day. Drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Then in the afternoon for any brain fog that may have moved in because of stress. Any decline in cognitive abilities can happen for many reasons. But LIFT and MIND are the reasons you need to achieve that youthful energy and mental clarity you deserve.

We want to show you that good sleep doesn’t have to be just a dream. Get more power from your nap! Get more out of the sleep you get.

5 Tips for Improving Your Sleep Quantity & Quality

Few things in life are as universal and as neglected as sleep. While our society does not necessarily promote healthy lifestyles or sleep patterns, you can take your health into your own hands by implementing these tips for better and more restorative sleep.

Choline in Brain Function and Sleep

Sleep is crucial for our health including our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Choline in Brain Function and Sleep Acetylcholine (made from choline) is an important part of regulatory pathways in sleep and many cognitive functions.

Why Life Priority Supplements?

The scientists behind Life Priority, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw – Life Extension Scientists & Designer Food™ Formulators are independent experts in anti-aging research and brain biochemistry and have many awards including the Award for Excellence in Health & Education from the Association for Holistic Health, for individuals who have made special contributions to biomedical aging research.

Since 1994, Life Priority has recognized the importance of sourcing high quality supplements for our customers. Selectively chosen for quality, and backed by scientific research, Life Priority supplements are made to complement a healthy and active lifestyle.

Educating our customers in multivitamins and supplements that can improve your health and serve as a great way to add years to your life. Now, almost 30 years after retiring from Major League Baseball, Greg and his wife, Michelle continue to offer top-quality health and nutritional supplements to health enthusiasts across the globe.

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