
Investing in Your Health

Your Health is the Best Investment You Can Make

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The scientists behind Life Priority, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw – Life Extension Scientists & Designer Food™ Formulators are independent experts in anti-aging research and brain biochemistry and have many awards including the Award for Excellence in Health & Education from the Association for Holistic Health, for individuals who have made special contributions to biomedical aging research.

The Latest Life Priority Product Interviews

David Naster Interviews Durk Pearson and Greg Pryor.

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DonnaJean Wilde, a 58-year-old retired educator, made headlines recently when she set a world record for abdominal planking by a woman.

Hold On!

Gaining Plank-spiration from a 58-year-old World Record Holder DonnaJean Wilde, a 58-year-old retired educator, made headlines recently when she set a world record for abdominal planking by a woman. She

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Invest the Time and Money – You say you don’t have time or money to take care of yourself? How about, “I’m too old” for good measure?

Your health

Are You Investing in it?

Invest the Time and Money – You DO Have Both!

Women's Health

Our Latest Topics

Find useful articles and information related to women’s health.

Joint Health

Have achy joints?

How Life Priority joint supplements work to bring relief.


How can glucosamine help with chronic inflammation?


Make it productive

Looking for a productive sleep solution to help with your sleep problems?

Life Priority on YouTube

Check out the latest Life Priority videos on YouTube; including health related content and customer testimonials.

Life Priority Health News: Your Life, Our Priority

Investing in your health since 1994, Life Priority recognizes the importance of sourcing scientifically formulated, high quality supplements for our customers.

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