Life Priority Whey of Life Protein

WHEY OF LIFE is a flavorless, high grade, whey protein isolate that offers 20 grams of protein per serving.

4 Essential Supplements for Men’s Health – Greg Pryor

4 essential supplements

Greg Pryor-the use of quality supplements in the right dosages at the right times can help you live a healthier life and slow up the aging process.

Men’s Guide to a Healthier Lifestyle

Men’s health, it’s not an unknown fact: most men only go to the doctor when they are sick. This creates the generalization that men are much too casual or disinterested in their health. We urge that men (and women) get an annual physical so they can address any underlying concerns that may be present in … Read more

Lifeguard Against a Bad Diet!

LifeGuard is a multivitamin supplement that contains 25 essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. You can take a capsule after every meal.

If you watch the news at all these days, you are bound to create a negative world view at some point. The featured stories almost always include significant acts of violence, unethical decisions, and other malicious happenings. What people may not realize, is that bad behavior could be related to a bad diet. In a … Read more

Can a Walk a Day, Keep the Doctor Away?

Healthcare professionals would like people to exercise for at least an hour every day, a fair amount of people do not take their suggestion.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Everyone should drink 8 cups of water per day. These are just two examples of health advice which is well known, but walking daily is another important one. Doctors and other healthcare professionals would like people to exercise for at least an hour every day, but a … Read more

Life Priority: A Teacher’s Assistant To Help Eliminate Mental Fatigue

A teacher’s testimonial from valued Life Priority customer, Leigh Sanders. “I love teaching, and the best teacher’s aide I’ve ever had are my Life Priority Supplements.” My husband and I have been using Life Priority supplements for over 10 years.  We were small business owners for 15 years and now Stan works as a consultant … Read more

Effects of Exercise and Supplementation on Mood

The effects of exercise and supplementation on mood. I read a story a few years ago about a overweight and depressed housewife.

The effects of exercise and supplementation on mood, I remember reading a story a few years ago about a depressed housewife who, at age 44 and 100 pounds overweight, knew that she needed to change her life. She first went to her doctor, who prescribed an antidepressant, but she thought there had to be a … Read more

New Year, New You – Why People Fail at Exercise Resolutions

These 6 steps are important for any woman at any stage of life so that she can become healthier, happier, and better-balanced woman.;Do you ever make New Year’s resolutions regarding your exercise routine only to watch them go by the wayside within a few weeks? 

Do you ever make New Year’s resolutions regarding your exercise routine only to watch them go by the wayside within a few weeks?  As a personal trainer, this was the most common issue that I would encounter with my clients. It would be the actual sticking to an activity. Why People Fail at Exercise Resolutions The … Read more

L-Phenylalanine: The Perfect Holiday Lift

Appetite out of control this holiday season? Phenylalanine may be the answer! Okay you’ve decided to lose weight and take charge of your health. But how do you deal with those late night snack attacks and mid-afternoon cravings for candy, cookies, soda, and chips – especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas looming ominously in the near … Read more

What Happens to MLB Players Now That The Season Is Over?

The great game of baseball and another Fall Classic showed the world why, in my opinion, baseball is the best team sport ever invented. 

If you are interested in learning how to get better workouts as a pro player or a weekend warrior, please contact me at