The High Five – Essential Ingredients to Stay Healthy

Five Essential Ingredients to Stay Healthy My health journey started with our company, Life Priority, which was founded in 1994, to support and educate health-conscious individuals who want to live a healthier, active lifestyle. I feel great and am in pretty good shape, despite turning 67 recently. I am thrilled to say that I am … Read more

Are You Ready for Cold & Flu Season?

Are you ready for cold and flu season

Cold and flu season is here. While knowledge of specific public health activities such as washing your hands frequently, wearing masks and staying at least 6 feet apart help to decrease the transmission and effect of illnesses, there are also ways you can naturally boost your immune system to help combat sickness and stay ahead … Read more

The Best Health Insurance Policy

Keeping a Healthy Immune System is the Best Health Insurance Policy! Give your immune system a boost with healthy, plant-based foods. Everyday preventative measures can reduce your risk for viruses and other pathogens. You can invest in our top immune boosting vitamins to help insure your health and well-being. Life Extension scientists Durk Pearson & … Read more

The Benefits of Omega-3

The Benefits of Omega-3 Fish oils, omega-3 fish oils, to be exact— are highly beneficial to human beings: they’re among our hearts’ best friends. Ever since this was first surmised, in the 1970s, the evidence for the role of these fish oils in protecting us from cardiovascular disease—and from other diseases as well, including dementia, … Read more

Antioxidant Protection from Free Radicals

Of all the advances made in nutritional science, none can hold a candle to the successes of antioxidant research.

Multivitamin/Multimineral/Multiantioxidant Supplements The Core of Every Health Program Antioxidant Protection from Free Radicals Of all the advances made in nutritional science, none can hold a candle to the successes of antioxidant research. When the idea was first proposed that oxidation might be at the core of the aging process itself, the suggestion was poorly received. … Read more

10 Tips to Maintain Your Prostate Health

Men's Health Month

With today’s fast-paced lifestyles, most men are faced with increasing mental and physical demands as they age.  These demands can affect your health, including your prostate.  To help you protect your health and prostate, we offer you these 10 valuable tips! 10 Tips to Help Protect Your Prostate Maintain a healthy weight, and exercise daily. Limit … Read more

Memorial Day 2022

Remembering & Honoring All Who Served Life Priority would like to thank the families that have lost a loved one while in service of our nation. Special thanks to veterans who have protected America and life-guarded our freedoms. The Murph Challenge: A Memorial Day Tribute to the Fallen Every Memorial Day, fitness enthusiasts and newcomers … Read more

Staying in the Game of Good Health!

I have been involved in the health industry for the past 30 years. I invite you to please read the enclosed information and invest in to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's team was at bat, the score tied.

“You don’t have to be a professional athlete to benefit from supplements!” Greg Pryor I have been personally involved in the health industry for the past 30 years. I invite you to please read the enclosed information and invest in your health. Here is a look at issues that specifically affect active individuals during their … Read more

Appetite out of control? Lift may just be the answer!

Big Thanksgiving Dinner

Lift can help support a more productive and positive exercise regiment. Before you know it, those extra pounds you’ve been carrying around will start to melt away-safely and effortlessly.

4 Essential Supplements for Men’s Health – Greg Pryor

4 essential supplements

Greg Pryor-the use of quality supplements in the right dosages at the right times can help you live a healthier life and slow up the aging process.