Why the Niacin Flush May Be Surprisingly Beneficial to Your Health – Sandy Shaw
Why the Niacin Flush May
Be Surprisingly
Beneficial to Your Health
Why the Niacin Flush May
Be Surprisingly
Beneficial to Your Health
A Hypothesis About Alzheimer’s Disease, Its Cause and a Possible Method of Treatment, and Experimental Support for the Hypothesis
by Sandy Shaw
The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw®Life Extension NewsTMVolume 18 No. 2 • June 2015 SEE BELOW IN THIS SECTION ON CHOLINE:THE VAGUS NERVE, WITH ITS MAJOR NEUROTRANSMITTER BEING ACETYLCHOLINE, DO YOU INGEST ENOUGH CHOLINE? Are You One of the 92% of the Population that Does Not Consume the Adequate Intake of Choline Recommended by the … Read more
Integrity is so important when buying nutrient formulations and vitamins. Sandy Shaw
One of the great treasures that many of us are blessed with is our memory. Many people who witnessed the World Series in ’85 use their memory to describe events to those who were born after ’85 or were too young to remember. As people age, we sometimes chuckle that we are “losing” our memory. It is not a laughing matter! Our memories can be enhanced through the use of choline!
Summer break is just about over and you have been consumed with textbook purchases, new class schedules, and keeping up with everyone’s new extracurriculars. It’s a lot, not to mention, you still have your own full time job. Your brain may still be on summer break, but we have the key nutrients for your mental … Read more
The Speed of an MLB Fastball vs Father Time, Mother Nature! For 16 seasons as a pro baseball player, I had to deal with Mother Nature, Father Time, and hitting MLB fastballs in order to keep a job. At age 66 now and looking back, I think that it was easier to hit a MLB … Read more
As a busy dad, husband, entrepreneur… and human, it’s sometimes hard to keep up! I’ve decided that the main reason it’s hard to keep up is because I’m passionate about every label that I have. Passionate about enjoying my kids’ childhood, passionate about being the husband that my wife deserves, passionate about leading my business in … Read more
With the warm months upon us, I get frequent questions from my patients about daily fluid consumption. Did you know that your body has a regulatory mechanism just for that? It is located in the hypothalamus, and if you listen it will tell you when to drink up. Keep in mind that some liquids can … Read more
The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® Life Extension NewsTM Volume 20 No. 2 • March 2017 PERSISTENT INFECTIONS CAN BE SILENT KILLERS: HELICOBACTER PYLORI It is generally accepted that persistent infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitical, etc.) can have serious effects on health by inducing hyperactivation of the immune system, such as by increasing the release … Read more