Life Priority team up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market & develop healthy products called Designer Foods.

Energy Drinks and Mental Fitness

Healthy Energy Drinks and Mental Fitness

Life Priority teamed up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market and develop a full line of healthy products called Designer Foods to improve and enhance your cognitive function, which spans not only memory, but attention, learning, problem solving, decision making, and reasoning.

Each new day presents challenges that, if not met and overcome, may leave you less fit mentally to control your life . . . to achieve your financial goals . . . to set the stage for pursuing your personal happiness.

By starting each day with a cool, refreshing glass of delicious LIFT™ (or LIFT Caps™) or Mind™ or Muscle Memory™), you can embrace a lifelong “Mental Fitness” program.

Life Priority healthy drink mixes, many of which are MIND – Promoting focus and concentrationhealthy energy drink mixes. These include the LIFT™ family mentioned above, all of which employ the amino acid phenylalanine, a precursor to an important memory molecule, noradrenaline, and your brain’s version of adrenaline. They also include the necessary enzyme cofactors vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and folic acid, along with natural flavors.

These formulations are based on the nutrient choline, which is the important memory nutrient involved in concentration and focus.* As we age, choline becomes less bioavailable, with serious consequences for memory function.

The “Mental Fitness” drinks are great-tasting, natural, fruit-flavored citrus cooler containing choline and essential nutrient cofactors plus the important amino acid taurine. Use Mind to help preserve and protect your memory function.*

Supplements for Memory “Loss”

Over time, the effects of too little sleep, aging, and the stress of a busy life can impair both your cognitive and memory functions. It may seem as if your memory has been “lost.” While many try to combat these effects with stimulants like caffeine, these only provide a temporary lift, and come with a host of unwanted side effects. Instead of masking the symptoms, why not improve the underlying problems instead? Try our Productive Sleep drink with choline.

Our formulas are carefully tested to ensure that they are safe and meet your needs. Often taking cues from historical findings, our scientists use their knowledge of the human body to create formulas based on scientific studies. They give real results.

Instead of settling for poorly designed energy drinks or caffeine pills that provide only a short burst of energy followed by a mental crash, consider products that have been developed using real science. Other sources can leave you feeling jittery, and carry the threat of weight gain from all the extra sugar and calories these drinks usually contain. If you rely on products like caffeine, you may also experience the symptoms of addiction. With Life Priority products, these are concerns you no longer have to consider. We carefully test all products to ensure that as long as the proper dosage recommendations are followed, you will notice no negative side effects from their use.

Drink Mixes

Nutrient Drink Mixes are a delicious way to supplement your diet with additional vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for enhanced cognitive, physical and sexual function. When mixed with water or your favorite beverage, they’re a convenient and efficient way to fuel your body, helping you feel and perform at your very best.

Life Priority   offers a wide variety of formulations for increased energy, mood and sleep enhancement, improved sexual function, weight loss, HGH release, and “Smart Nutrients” for cognitive enhancement and creative mental energy. Just choose the formula (or two) that’s right for you. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how delicious, convenient and effective they are. At Life Priority, we offer a variety of “smart nutrients” from several different formulators. When mixed with water or your favorite beverage, they’re a convenient and efficient way to fuel your body, helping you feel and perform at your very best.

Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.

*The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

*Any testimonials on this web site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.

The aging process is certainly not for the weak. The Speed of an MLB Fastball vs Father Time, Mother Nature by Greg Pryor.

The Speed of an MLB Fastball vs Father Time, Mother Nature!

The Speed of an MLB Fastball vs Father Time, Mother Nature! For 16 seasons as a pro baseball player, I had to deal with Mother Nature, Father Time, and What happens to MLB players when baseball season is over? A very important aspect of off season conditioning is the diet.hitting MLB fastballs in order to keep a job.  At age 66 now and looking back, I think that it was easier to hit a MLB fastball than it is to deal with Mother Nature and Father Time (Ma and Pa). The aging process is certainly not for the weak.

Recently, I saw two people who I had not seen for many years.  It was very evident from their appearance that they were much older from living with Ma and Pa.  The aging process never sleeps.  We all live closely with both Ma and Pa every day.  How does facing an MLB fastball fit into this equation though?

Recently, I watched a Netflix documentary called “Fastball”.  Many of the most notable fastball pitchers in MLB baseball history, the Fellers, Ryans, and Gibsons were interviewed with many of the best fastball hitters in history, the Brett’s, Bench’s, and Schmidt’s.   The MLB pitchers who were interviewed could throw a baseball from 95 MPH to 105 MPH.  The hitters interviewed explained how quickly they had to recognize the pitch and then swing their bats.  To find out how quickly that the brain/body needs react to hit a MLB fastball, go to this site.

Because I managed to work well enough with Ma and Pa in my career, I was able to keep a job hitting fastballs for 16 pro seasons.  Towards the end of my career, Ma and Pa “informed me” that I was unable to catch up to the fastball like I could when I was younger.  I knew that the best days of my career were almost over.

Keeping up with the fast pace in life is much like hitting a MLB fastball.  To succeed in life and in business, one needs to learn how to play the “game” and to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.  If we don’t do it well enough, we miss out on opportunities to advance in our jobs or even lose our jobs.  We need to know when to make our decisions to swing early enough to get the hits that we want in every day life.

I am more aware of the aging process now more than when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. Now, I am more concerned about the aging of my brain than anything else. I am fortunate that, when I was 42, I was introduced to ways to slow up the aging process.

I knew that I was aging, but I was shocked at how quickly it seemed to be happening.  That is the biggest reason why I entered the health and nutrition industry.  I began learning how to slow up the aging process through the consumption of certain essential nutrients in adequate amounts.  I began encouraging the repair process each day. I use at least 6 different Life Priority nutrients via dietary supplements that may help “feed” my brain.  I do this because I do not want to be a burden on others because of my inability to think and reason properly.

Don’t wait until “the fastballs” in your life are being thrown by you!  Your body and brain is aging with each passing day.  The rally cry of the ’15 World Champion KC Royals was, “Keep The Line Moving!”  My rally cry to you is “Keep Your Brain Working!”.

For information on what dietary nutrients that I use to keep my brain nourished each day, send me an email at  I will be glad to help you keep hitting the mental “fastballs” in your life.

Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.
*The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
*Any testimonials on this web site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.
The sleep-dependent memory processing factory that decides what to do with all that information you encountered during the day.;While our society does not necessarily promote healthy lifestyles or sleep patterns, you can take your health into your own hands.

The Sleeping Brain Decides What to Remember and What to Forget

Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw’s Life Extension News Volume 16 No. 4 – April 2013

A new paper1 describes the sleep-dependent memory processing factory that decides what to do with all that information you encountered during the day. As the paper’s authors point out, only some of that information is consolidated so as to become a part of a long-term knowledge base. The paper sifts through evidence from studies of naps, sleep deprivation, correlations of sleep stages and memory processing, sleep physiology, regional brain activity measured during and after sleep with PET and fMRI studies, cellular firing patterns, and synaptic and intracellular measures of plasticity to conclude that there is convincing evidence of sleep processing of memory with improvement of the overall knowledge base.

The authors discuss the new understanding that not all information is uniformly preserved, but that there is an exquisite selection process of memories underway during sleep. For example, they report that emotional memories can be selectively consolidated, especially during rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep. It has also been found that memories can be selectively maintained when they contain information on potential monetary rewards. Interestingly, when subjects of sleep memory studies have been told that they would be tested on certain areas of information and not on others provided before sleep, they were found after sleep to have retained more of the information they were told they would be tested on. Hence, the brain “knew” what to do to recall the relevant information.

Moreover, the authors explain, it is possible for the brain to generate new information during the processing of the memory-derived information. “Whether consolidation necessarily precedes these integrative processes (serial processing) is not yet known, but no clear cases of integration without consolidation have been observed. We use the term ‘memory evolution’ to reflect both the qualitative changes that can occur during such integrative processing and the extended time course over which they occur.”1 In gist extraction, the authors refer to the identification of commonalities between items in a collection of memories even when individual item memories are forgotten. Some studies have been found to show that during sleep subjects can extract overarching rules that govern recently studied sets of information, such that understanding of relationships between the sets is improved following sleep.

One study reported by the authors dealt with subjects taught a rote method for solving a class of mathematical problems for which there was a shortcut solution (about which subjects were not told). After a night of post-training sleep, however, subjects were found to be 2.6 times more likely to discover this shortcut than after an equal period of time awake (59.1 versus 22.7% of subjects).1 But, interestingly, even those who did not discover the shortcut benefited from sleep by improving the speed with which they were able to perform the rote method of solving the problems. Those who became faster without discovering the shortcut improved their speed (using the rote method) three times more than either those who discovered the shortcut or those who remained awake.

This study examines important sleep processes at a systems level rather than at a neurotransmitter level. Understanding sleep involves comprehending its mechanisms from the micro-level details (neuro­transmitters and synapses) to the overarching system architecture.


  1. Stickgold and Walker. Sleep-dependent memory triage: evolving generalization through selective processing. Nat Neurosci. 16(2):139-45 (2013).

Food for Thought-Nutrition for Your Brain

August signals the beginning of fall and another school year.  As kids, we were excited to see friends after our summer vacations but, most importantly, we knew it was a fresh start to learn new information, and we had to make our “grades”.

We can all improve our ability to remember things more easily and improve our cognitive functions through simple lifestyle changes such as incorporating memory exercises, healthy eating, physical fitness and stress reduction in our lives.

In your brain are ten billion neurons (brain cells). Between each and every neuron are neurotransmitters. Everything that happens in the brain…every memory, thought, emotion, innovation, every “wow, that’s great!”…is a result of the release of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are natural substances made by nerve cells in your brain that transmit messages from one nerve cell to another.

Our bodies make them from our food or we can get them from dietary supplements. It is estimated that a high percentage of Americans have less than optimal levels of neurotransmitters. That’s why many have “brain fade” because our brains are not making enough neurotransmitters.

Life Priority is proud to offer 3 specific nutritional formulas, LIFT, LIFT CAPS, and MIND that provide the right nutrients (in the right amounts) that allow the brain to make and release more neurotransmitters.

The three most important neurotransmitters that support brain function and help students and athletes are:

  • Noradrenaline is an excitatory neurotransmitter and is nature’s “natural speed”.  It is your “get up and go” juice.  This is what you want working for you in the classroom, on the sports field, or when you head off to work in the morning.
  • Dopamine can help with focus issues such as not remembering where we put our keys, forgetting what a paragraph said when we just read it or simply daydreaming and not being able to stay on task.  Dopamine is responsible for our drive or desire to get things done–our motivation. Dopamine is made from phenylalanine, so when you take phenylalanine, plus other nutrient cofactors, you able to make more dopamine.
  • Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that helps you with memory and organization–the way you order things in your mind. It’s also involved in focus and concentration. Your body manufacturers acetylcholine from the essential nutrients choline and vitamin B5.

The ability to think more clearly and effectively and the drive to succeed are all tied directly to your brain’s ability to create adequate neurotransmitters.  If you provide your body (and brain) with the proper nutrients to make neurotransmitters, it could be the determining factor in your level of persistence and even your success or failure.

Greg Pryor    800-787-5438

Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.

*The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

*Any testimonials on this web site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.

clarity focus

For Focus & Clarity, Reach for Choline, Not Caffeine

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After more than 20 years of research from scientists all over the world, Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, two top research scientists, developed Mind, which uses a natural approach to keeping your mind running at maximum proficiency. Acetylcholine (ACh) helps your mind with retention and alertness. These two things are crucial for our daily activities, but in order to obtain the right amount needed, people would have to eat too much food. In addition, caffeine doesn’t help produce more acetylcholine, so Pearson and Shaw developed Mind. They created Mind in a well-balanced formula of choline and B-5 to help create more acetylcholine.

Using Mind as a dietary supplement can potentially boost your memory and mental clarity. Studies show that more acetylcholine in the brain correlates with improved memory retention and the speed at which you retain that information. With today’s fast-paced world, it’s even more important to have a clearer mind in order to learn and remember important material.

Caffeine only works for a short period of time and doesn’t provide the best results in a healthy way. In fact, too much coffee and or soda pop can leave you drained and jittery, and cigarettes can lead to a whole other slew of problems like heart disease and lung cancer. So, choose Mind the next time you need a boost to help you navigate the many challenges of life and feel safer knowing it’s a healthier, more natural solution to improving memory and mental sharpness.

To your health!
The Life Priority Team

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