Dietitian Carrie Mark-Why I started using Life Priority supplements..
Lift Caps have the energy and mental stamina I need!
Lift Caps have the energy and mental stamina I need!
Mondays I believe set the tone for my whole week. Here are some of the things that I do to help prep for my Monday Motivation! I am a List maker- I make a list of the tasks I would like to accomplish. I usually keep a list going of tasks that I need to complete. … Read more
Thanks to recent research, the power of vitamin D3 is making headlines again. And, as the weather turns warmer, the timing couldn’t be more perfect to talk about the benefits of such an environment-related key to our health. Also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D3 is manufactured in the body’s skin when it is … Read more
The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® Life Extension NewsTM Volume 20 No. 2 • March 2017 PERSISTENT INFECTIONS CAN BE SILENT KILLERS: HELICOBACTER PYLORI It is generally accepted that persistent infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitical, etc.) can have serious effects on health by inducing hyperactivation of the immune system, such as by increasing the release … Read more
*We found this thought-provoking article on consciousness by David Jay Brown from his blog and thought it would be very informational. Mavericks of the Mind Thought Provoking Interviews on Consciousness by David Jay Brown Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw co-authored two of the first and most widely read books on the subject of human longevity–Life … Read more