My Passion for Life Priority

I love Lift and Lift Caps, and have personally used these life-saving supplements for over 20 years. I started using Lift/Lift Caps as a busy wife/mother of 3 small children (under 5) in 1991. At 66, my morning routine that helps me stay strong and gives me better mental focus is to go get my … Read more

Mother-Daughter #HydrateMe Challenge: Drinking Enough Water

By Michelle Pryor I recently was challenged to the #HydrateMe Challenge with my daughter Hailey. As a health enthusiast and working in the health industry for more than 25 years, I know the value of getting enough water daily. However, my results were surprising—I was only getting four to five full glasses a day. After three weeks of getting enough … Read more

Charlene Franchetto of Southwest Greens Synthetic Company Shares Her Life Priority Story

My husband, Tony, and I have been getting great results from using Life Priority products for the last 25 years. We live in Northern California and own and operate a landscaping company, the Southwest Greens Synthetic Company. We’ve been in the business for 26 years. Life Priority products help us stay focused and energized throughout the day! … Read more

For Focus & Clarity, Reach for Choline, Not Caffeine

clarity focus

Memory, focus and clarity of thought and mind are vital daily functions. The various stressors of the day and countless challenges that face us can be daunting. Usually people reach for caffeine to achieve that extra boost, but often are left disappointed because that caffeine infusion only lasts for a certain period of time. After … Read more

Time for a Lift!

Lift-The Natural Energy Boost Ever see those commercials on TV about quick fix energy drinks? How do you know if they are safe? They offer quick results that can last a while, but the fastest solution is not always the right one. Sure energy drinks are packed full of caffeine, but ingesting high amounts at … Read more