Brain fog is a term used to describe a subjective feeling of mental haziness or confusion, often accompanied by a sense of reduced clarity..; People need to be mentally strong to overcome obstacles. Let’s explore how you can help yourself by helping your brain overcome obstacles!

Caffeine Getting You Down?

People always say adversity tells a lot about an individual. They can push through and keep going, stay satisfied with the current situation or concede. Overcoming obstacles is almost a daily activity, so people need to be mentally strong. Let’s explore how you can help yourself by helping your brain overcome obstacles!

For some, caffeine is a simple way to provide energy to power through the day and whatever life throws at you. Coffee, energy drinks and sodas loaded with caffeine all seem to provide a boost, but after a while that wears off. The effect of large amounts of caffeine consumed in a relatively short amount of time can best be described by a race analogy. The day is quite long, so why sprint as hard as you can? This will cause you to become fatigued quickly and you won’t have enough steam to finish the race. The slow and steady approach will ensure a more balanced and productive day. Of course, people can continue to consume coffee and other similar products, but each drink does less than the previous. So, what is a person to do?

Lift, developed by two of the most respected research scientist Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, is a natural way that may boost energy and thus productivity.  It can provide your brain with a system of nutrients used to manufacture noradrenaline, your “get up and go juice” and L-Phenylalanine which helps to regulate your appetite and your mood. By using an all-natural approach, Lift ensures there won’t be a crash from your boost of energy. Without the infusion of vast amounts of caffeine, your body can use what’s within to promote energy and better moods to navigate the life’s daily challenges.

Another potential valuable supplement for the brain is called Mind. It was also developed by Pearson and Shaw, and Mind targets the processing your brain does. It can help with increasing focus and concentration. We all have so many responsibilities and obligations but so little time. Mind can help you stay on track by calming your state of mind and helping you focus your efforts and brain function. We all wish for more productive days at some point.

Don’t let life’s trials and tribulations slow you down. Give your brain an extra boost with Lift and Mind! These two supplements can help you become more productive every day and help you overcome whatever obstacles try to throw you off course. Make the decision to fight through the tough times and come out on top.

To Your Health,Michelle & Greg Pryor


Life Priority, established in 1994, offers supplements that are scientifically-formulated, results-oriented, and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and are manufactured at USDA and FDA inspected facilities.
*The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
*Any testimonials on this web site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.

Lift … as a Verb

Guest article by Pam Houston , small business owner CollegiateCamo, wife, mother and pharmaceutical sale rep.

I was wondering how the name “Lift Caps” came to be. I was thinking today about this when I realized my noon dose of Lift Caps were at home and not in my car where I tend to do most of my work!

Boy did I hit a low today, and it reminded me how important my Lift Caps are to my personal well-being. I wondered how crazy it must be for those “high” on caffeine or other drugs (yes, caffeine is a drug!). In fact, do a quick internet search and you will see that caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world.

I can’t tell you that I am without caffeine entirely, but tend to drink less when I take my Lift Caps. I’ve never been addicted to anything except little food cravings when I am trying to avoid extra calories. All I know is that it must be a horrible feeling to believe that in order to get through the day, you need a means of “staying up.” 

While Life Caps contain about as much caffeine as a single cup of coffee, it’s not the caffeine alone that makes this product work so well. For those of us that like to get our energy from a reliable, healthy, safe means, Lift Caps can be the answer.

So back to the name. A dictionary search tells us that, as a verb, this is what “lift” means:

  • to go up; yield to upward pressure. (The box is too heavy to lift. The lid won’t lift..)
  • to pull or strain upward in the effort to raise something. (To lift at a heavy weight.)
  • to move upward or rise; rise and disperse, as clouds or fog. (Of rain, to stop temporarily.)
  • to rise to view above the horizon when approached, as land seen from the sea.
  • a feeling of exaltation or uplift

Hmm… a pretty good description of the name of an amazing “designer food,” if you ask me!

clarity focus

For Focus & Clarity, Reach for Choline, Not Caffeine

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After more than 20 years of research from scientists all over the world, Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, two top research scientists, developed Mind, which uses a natural approach to keeping your mind running at maximum proficiency. Acetylcholine (ACh) helps your mind with retention and alertness. These two things are crucial for our daily activities, but in order to obtain the right amount needed, people would have to eat too much food. In addition, caffeine doesn’t help produce more acetylcholine, so Pearson and Shaw developed Mind. They created Mind in a well-balanced formula of choline and B-5 to help create more acetylcholine.

Using Mind as a dietary supplement can potentially boost your memory and mental clarity. Studies show that more acetylcholine in the brain correlates with improved memory retention and the speed at which you retain that information. With today’s fast-paced world, it’s even more important to have a clearer mind in order to learn and remember important material.

Caffeine only works for a short period of time and doesn’t provide the best results in a healthy way. In fact, too much coffee and or soda pop can leave you drained and jittery, and cigarettes can lead to a whole other slew of problems like heart disease and lung cancer. So, choose Mind the next time you need a boost to help you navigate the many challenges of life and feel safer knowing it’s a healthier, more natural solution to improving memory and mental sharpness.

To your health!
The Life Priority Team

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