Short-term memory, and critical thinking problems?

B12 is responsible for energy production because it turns carbohydrates & other fats into energy your body can use throughout the day.

Today’s fast-paced world demands people be mentally capable of multitasking and their brains functioning at a high level, but this isn’t always the case. Exhaustion, fatigue, stress, and forgetting everyday chores are common, and there may be a good explanation for all this. Some doctors have noted for cases of vitamin B12 deficiencies in people … Read more

Key Supplements for Better Brain Health: Omega 3, B-Vitamins, and D3

Neurology ® Dec. 28, 2011, DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182436598). Numerous studies suggest that people with higher intakes of the omega-3 essential fatty acids; vitamins C, D, E, and the B vitamins were less likely to have brain shrinkage. These nutrients have also been associated with higher scores on mental thinking tests. One particular study involved 104 people … Read more

L-Phenylalanine: The Perfect Holiday Lift

Appetite out of control this holiday season? Phenylalanine may be the answer! Okay you’ve decided to lose weight and take charge of your health. But how do you deal with those late night snack attacks and mid-afternoon cravings for candy, cookies, soda, and chips – especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas looming ominously in the near … Read more

In the News: Women’s Dementia Worsens Faster Than Men’s

In the News: Women’s Dementia Worsens Faster Than Men’s, so says a headline in the July 22, 2015 The Wall Street Journal.

The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® Life Extension NewsTM Volume 18 No. 4 • August 2015 In the News: Women’s Dementia Worsens Faster Than Men’s So says a headline in the July 22, 2015 The Wall Street Journal. According to the study (398 subjects who participated in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative), women’s cognitive decline took place … Read more

A Hypothesis About Alzheimer’s Disease, Its Cause and a Possible Method of Treatment, and Experimental Support for the Hypothesis by Sandy Shaw

A Hypothesis About Alzheimer’s Disease, Its Cause and a Possible Method of Treatment, and Experimental Support for the Hypothesis
by Sandy Shaw

Greg Pryor: Fighting the Stress of Post Season Baseball

I spent 16 seasons as a professional player, and I experienced the depths of stressful feelings that baseball can create, on & off the field.

Greg Pryor- Life Priority offers the following products that allow you to touch all of your nutritional bases so put them into your daily nutritional “lineup”

DO YOU INGEST ENOUGH CHOLINE? The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® Life Extension News Volume 18 No. 2 • June 2015

The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw®Life Extension NewsTMVolume 18 No. 2 • June 2015 SEE BELOW IN THIS SECTION ON CHOLINE:THE VAGUS NERVE, WITH ITS MAJOR NEUROTRANSMITTER BEING ACETYLCHOLINE, DO YOU INGEST ENOUGH CHOLINE? Are You One of the 92% of the Population that Does Not Consume the Adequate Intake of Choline Recommended by the … Read more

Caffeine Getting You Down?

People always say adversity tells a lot about an individual. They can push through and keep going, stay satisfied with the current situation or concede. Overcoming obstacles is almost a daily activity, so people need to be mentally strong. Let’s explore how you can help yourself by helping your brain overcome obstacles! For some, caffeine … Read more

Can you Revive your Memory from 1985?

One of the great treasures that many of us are blessed with is our memory. Many people who witnessed the World Series in ’85 use their memory to describe events to those who were born after ’85 or were too young to remember. As people age, we sometimes chuckle that we are “losing” our memory. It is not a laughing matter! Our memories can be enhanced through the use of choline!