Customer Testimony – Jerry Weaver

In 2005, when I turned 55 years old, my family treated me to a trip to a Kansas City Royals Fantasy Camp in Surprise, AZ.  I have been an avid baseball memorabilia collector and still enjoy playing baseball at age 72. I still play Men’s Senior baseball and travel to play in Men’s Senior baseball … Read more

Lift™ Your Attitude in 15 Minutes!

health supplements; bone restore; hair skin and nails; two per day capsules; c vitamin; vitamin c; vitamin c2; c2 vitamin; omega 3 supplement; health booster; vitamin k; vitamin d; vitamin d3; one per day vitamin; one per day multivitamin; glucosamine chondroitin; life extension magnesium; magnesium supplement; coq10 supplement; viatmin e supplement; glutathione cysteine; supplement nac; black seed oil; glucosamine; n acetyl cysteine; nacetyl l cysteine; fish oil; supplements fish oil; acetyl cysteine; omega 3 supplements; fish oil pill; omega 3 from fish oil; best fish oil supplements; n acetylcysteine cysteine; omega 3 supplements best; b complex; fish oil benefits; vitamins and supplements; black seed oil benefits; flush niacin; glucosamine chondroitin; vitamin life extension; supplements life extension; life extension multivitamin; life extension magnesium; magnesium caps; prostate ultra; fish oil vitamins; supplements vitamins; durk pearson; durk pearson and sandy shaw

health supplements; bone restore; hair skin and nails; two per day capsules; c vitamin; vitamin c; vitamin c2; c2 vitamin; omega 3 supplement; health booster; vitamin k; vitamin d; vitamin d3; one per day vitamin; one per day multivitamin; glucosamine chondroitin; life extension magnesium; magnesium supplement; coq10 supplement; viatmin e supplement; glutathione cysteine; supplement nac; black seed oil; glucosamine; n acetyl cysteine; nacetyl l cysteine; fish oil; supplements fish oil; acetyl cysteine; omega 3 supplements; fish oil pill; omega 3 from fish oil; best fish oil supplements; n acetylcysteine cysteine; omega 3 supplements best; b complex; fish oil benefits; vitamins and supplements; black seed oil benefits; flush niacin; glucosamine chondroitin; vitamin life extension; supplements life extension; life extension multivitamin; life extension magnesium; magnesium caps; prostate ultra; fish oil vitamins; supplements vitamins; durk pearson; durk pearson and sandy shawBeep. Beep. Beep. No one really looks forward to their alarm clock in the morning. It disrupts our wonderful sleep and relaxation, and catapults us into the day ahead. The courage and drive to leave the comforts of your bed can be difficult; in fact so challenging that people often set their alarm for as late as possible and then hit the snooze until the point of being late for work. The process of changing such a habit it tough, but developing the right attitude is the most important step to success.

With so many distractions and responsibilities in life, people always say, “There isn’t enough time in the day.” This may seem true at first glance but waking up 15 minutes early can have a wondrous effect on our daily lives. Imagine having time to work out, take a walk, meditate or just have time to yourself in a chaotic world. Think about how much better your mental state could be.

Charles Swindoll once said, “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” So, if people can find extra free time by waking up earlier, our mental health could vastly improve and thus lead to a happier, healthier and productive you. Of course, everyone values their sleep, so try going to sleep earlier and setting your alarm 15 minutes early, and make sure to turn on lights or place the alarm out of arms length so you’re more apt to actually get up.

In addition to healthier mind, the extra time could be used to better you physically and/or spiritually. You can use the time to walk, jog, run or pray. Almost everyone feels they need to lose a few pounds and waking up earlier could be all the motivation someone needs.

You may be asking how I can do this with the hectic holiday season in full swing, but you can wait until the New Year to start. Don’t make it a job. In other words, make it fun and even reward yourself for having a better sleeping habit. Also, some other good habits to acquire or build on for the New Year include eating more fruits and vegetables, eating smaller portion sizes and cooking at home and sitting down to dinner with the family on a more regular basis.

Like me, you may also need a little extra boost or kick in the rear to get going on these changes. Finding a workout buddy or a friend who pledges to complete the steps with you is extremely helpful and can ensure success without getting off track. In the case you can’t find someone to be your “healthy partner” you can invest in Lift™, which is an all-natural energy drink mix that can help the body increase energy from within. Lift™uses health supplements; bone restore; hair skin and nails; two per day capsules; c vitamin; vitamin c; vitamin c2; c2 vitamin; omega 3 supplement; health booster; vitamin k; vitamin d; vitamin d3; one per day vitamin; one per day multivitamin; glucosamine chondroitin; life extension magnesium; magnesium supplement; coq10 supplement; viatmin e supplement; glutathione cysteine; supplement nac; black seed oil; glucosamine; n acetyl cysteine; nacetyl l cysteine; fish oil; supplements fish oil; acetyl cysteine; omega 3 supplements; fish oil pill; omega 3 from fish oil; best fish oil supplements; n acetylcysteine cysteine; omega 3 supplements best; b complex; fish oil benefits; vitamins and supplements; black seed oil benefits; flush niacin; glucosamine chondroitin; vitamin life extension; supplements life extension; life extension multivitamin; life extension magnesium; magnesium caps; prostate ultra; fish oil vitamins; supplements vitamins; durk pearson; durk pearson and sandy shawthe natural stimulators of the body to help you stay more focused and alert through the day without the caffeine and sugar infusion. In addition, Lift™ can help the body realize when it’s full so you don’t keep eating or pick up fatty snacks later in the day.

Making changes can be scary, but make it your daily resolution to create a better attitude and more healthy habits. Choosing to make the small changes in your daily routine can create huge improvements to your mental and physical health in the long run.

To Your Health!

Appetite out of control? Lift may just be the answer!

Lift can help support a more productive and positive exercise regiment. Before you know it, those extra pounds you’ve been carrying around will start to melt away-safely and effortlessly.

Energy Drinks and Mental Fitness

Life Priority team up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market & develop healthy products called Designer Foods.

Life Priority teamed up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market and develop a full line of products designed to improve and enhance your cognitive function, which spans not only memory, but attention, learning, problem solving, decision making, and reasoning.

Testimonial: Taking Life Priority products has changed my Life!

Testimonial from Harry H. customer since 1998! I've been a truck driver for almost 30 years and a Life Priority customer for over 15 years.

Testimonial from Harry H. Life Priority customer since 1998! I’ve been a truck driver for almost 30 years and a Life Priority customer for over 15 years. I use to spend the first part of my mornings feeling like I was running behind the curve, like I was trying to catch up with my day. … Read more

Mental Fitness is a Life Priority!

What if a lack of energy has been a struggle for you for more than the last few months? If so, know that you're not alone.; Instead of providing your mind & body with a temporary solution, chooses to help correct the whole problem and create a healthier mind & you.

Mental Fitness is a Life Priority! As we age and encounter multiple stressors and responsibilities, our minds become pulled countless directions and we can see the negative effects. Sometimes we forget things, can’t focus or be as sharp as we once were and this can hurt our daily lives. To overcome these deficiencies, we reach … Read more

B Proactive With Your Brain Health-Vitamin B Is the Key

As we get older, our age plays a role on cognitive function, but we could also be deficient in essential vitamins, like Vitamin B.

As we age, our brains accrue more and more stress. The rigors of life can slow our minds and thinking ability down while also causing problems with memory. Yes, our age plays a role on cognitive function, but we could also be deficient in essential vitamins, like Vitamin B. A lack of Vitamin B in … Read more

Life Priority: A Teacher’s Assistant To Help Eliminate Mental Fatigue

A teacher’s testimonial from valued Life Priority customer, Leigh Sanders. “I love teaching, and the best teacher’s aide I’ve ever had are my Life Priority Supplements.” My husband and I have been using Life Priority supplements for over 10 years.  We were small business owners for 15 years and now Stan works as a consultant … Read more

7 Simple Natural Suggestions for Postpartum “Baby Blues”

Baby blues refers to the first days & weeks after your new baby arrives can be sweet and savored, but they can also be overwhelming. 

Here are 7 simple and natural ways found to be effective in helping new mothers with the “baby blues”. The term “baby blues” refers to the first days and weeks after your new baby arrives can be sweet and savored, but they can also be overwhelming. Consider these 7 simple natural suggestions: Start with your Diet … Read more

Short-term memory, and critical thinking problems?

B12 is responsible for energy production because it turns carbohydrates & other fats into energy your body can use throughout the day.

Today’s fast-paced world demands people be mentally capable of multitasking and their brains functioning at a high level, but this isn’t always the case. Exhaustion, fatigue, stress, and forgetting everyday chores are common, and there may be a good explanation for all this. Some doctors have noted for cases of vitamin B12 deficiencies in people … Read more