Appetite out of control? Lift may just be the answer!

Lift can help support a more productive and positive exercise regiment. Before you know it, those extra pounds you’ve been carrying around will start to melt away-safely and effortlessly.

Life Priority Whey of Life Protein

WHEY OF LIFE is a flavorless, high grade, whey protein isolate that offers 20 grams of protein per serving.

Energy Drinks and Mental Fitness

Life Priority team up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market & develop healthy products called Designer Foods.

Life Priority teamed up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market and develop a full line of products designed to improve and enhance your cognitive function, which spans not only memory, but attention, learning, problem solving, decision making, and reasoning.

Simple Tips on How to Cope with Stress

Simple Tips on How to Cope with Stress. If you want to reduce stress, understand these three common problems and situations that create it.

Simple Tips on How to Cope with Stress If you want to reduce stress, understand these three common problems and situations that create stress, 1. Poor use of time and lack of planning 2. Unreal expectations- 3. Unhealthy Relationships Learn how to manage these 3 areas by practicing general techniques of stress reduction and protection: … Read more

Mental Fitness is a Life Priority!

What if a lack of energy has been a struggle for you for more than the last few months? If so, know that you're not alone.; Instead of providing your mind & body with a temporary solution, chooses to help correct the whole problem and create a healthier mind & you.

Mental Fitness is a Life Priority! As we age and encounter multiple stressors and responsibilities, our minds become pulled countless directions and we can see the negative effects. Sometimes we forget things, can’t focus or be as sharp as we once were and this can hurt our daily lives. To overcome these deficiencies, we reach … Read more

A Mother’s Love: The Driving Force Behind Life Priority

Testimonies by Paige, Storey, and Hailey Pryor, daughters of Life Priority owner, Michelle Pryor, the driving force behind Life Priority.

Testimonies by Paige, Storey, and Hailey Pryor, daughters of Life Priority owner, Michelle Pryor “The month of May has grown sweeter to me, not because I’ve become a Mother myself, but because I’ve watched my Mother become a Grandmother.  I just wish she were with me everyday to remind my kids to take their vitamins.  … Read more

Lifeguarding Women’s Health

Staying on top of all the latest healthy foods and diets is exhausting, and knowing all the latest news about vitamins is no different. Almost everyone can benefit from taking a supplement with calcium because most people don’t get as much as they need through their diets — 1,000 mg a day for adults, increasing to … Read more

B Proactive With Your Brain Health-Vitamin B Is the Key

As we get older, our age plays a role on cognitive function, but we could also be deficient in essential vitamins, like Vitamin B.

As we age, our brains accrue more and more stress. The rigors of life can slow our minds and thinking ability down while also causing problems with memory. Yes, our age plays a role on cognitive function, but we could also be deficient in essential vitamins, like Vitamin B. A lack of Vitamin B in … Read more