Women’s Heart Health

Women’s Heart Health As the leading cause of death of American women, heart disease kills more than one-third of the women each year — five times more than those who die of breast cancer. Heart health for women everywhere is more important than ever! And Omega-3 is essential in the modern woman’s diet because it […]

Cookies Statement

Updated: 01 March 2022 Thank you for visiting LifePriority.com (“Website”). Life Priority, Inc. (“We”) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Cookies Statement describes how Life Priority and our Website uses “cookies.” This Statement should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Notice. Cookies We use and allow certain third parties to use cookies, […]

4 essential supplements

4 Essential Supplements for Men’s Health – Greg Pryor

Greg Pryor-the use of quality supplements in the right dosages at the right times can help you live a healthier life and slow up the aging process.

Men's health, it’s not an unknown fact: most men only go to the doctor when they are sick. Put one in the win column for men's health.

Men’s Guide to a Healthier Lifestyle

Men’s health, it’s not an unknown fact: most men only go to the doctor when they are sick. This creates the generalization that men are much too casual or disinterested in their health. We urge that men (and women) get an annual physical so they can address any underlying concerns that may be present in […]

Life Priority team up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market & develop healthy products called Designer Foods.

Energy Drinks and Mental Fitness

Life Priority teamed up with life extension scientists, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® to market and develop a full line of products designed to improve and enhance your cognitive function, which spans not only memory, but attention, learning, problem solving, decision making, and reasoning.

What if a lack of energy has been a struggle for you for more than the last few months? If so, know that you're not alone.; Instead of providing your mind & body with a temporary solution, chooses to help correct the whole problem and create a healthier mind & you.

Mental Fitness is a Life Priority!

Mental Fitness is a Life Priority! As we age and encounter multiple stressors and responsibilities, our minds become pulled countless directions and we can see the negative effects. Sometimes we forget things, can’t focus or be as sharp as we once were and this can hurt our daily lives. To overcome these deficiencies, we reach […]

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